




European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Antitrust: Commission opens three investigations into suspected anticompetitive practices in e-commerce




(2)ゲーム(Video game)のプラットフォームとメーカーによる地域制限(geo-blocking。ジオブロッキング







 民生用エレクトロニクスメーカーのAsus, Denon & Marantz, Philips and Pioneeが、インターネット販売業者の小売価格を制限した疑いがあるとのことです。

また、価格制限の効果は、多くのインターネット販売業者が利用する価格設定ソフトによって悪化するおそれがあるとされています。この価格設定ソフトとは、自動的に小売価格を主要競争業者(leading competitors)の価格に適応させる(adapt)ものとされています。


The Commission is investigating whether Asus, Denon & Marantz, Philips and Pioneer have breached EU competition rules by restricting the ability of online retailers to set their own prices for widely used consumer electronics products such as household appliances, notebooks and hi-fi products.
The effect of these suspected price restrictions may be aggravated due to the use by many online retailers of pricing software that automatically adapts retail prices to those of leading competitors. As a result, the alleged behaviour may have had a broader impact on overall online prices for the respective consumer electronics products.
The Commission is carrying out this in-depth investigation on its own initiative.



(2)ゲーム(Video game)の地域制限

ゲーム販売のプラットフォーム(the Steam)の運営事業者であるValve Corporationとパソコン用ゲームの制作会社(PC video game publishers)5社との間の個別の合意について調査がなされているとのことです。パソコン用ゲームの制作会社は、具体的にBandai Namco, Capcom, Focus Home, Koch Media and ZeniMaxと記載されています。

調査対象は、パソコン用ゲームの地域制限(ジオブロッキング)です。ゲームの購入者が違法コピーでないことを示すため、アクティベーションキーをゲームのプラットフォーム(the Steam)で使用するようです。アクティベーションキーに関する合意が、地域制限を目的としているか否かが調査の焦点とされています。現行の合意と過去の合意の両方が調査対象のようです。

アクティベーションキーは、特定のEU加盟国の消費者のみが購入したゲームを利用できるようになる可能性があるとのこと。具体的には、EU単一市場内でのいわゆる「並行輸入*1parallel trade)を制限し、消費者が他の加盟国で販売されている廉価なゲームを購入することを妨げ、結果、加盟国を跨ぐ競争を減退させるおそれがあるとされています。


The Commission is investigating bilateral agreements concluded between Valve Corporation, owner of the Steam game distribution platform, and five PC video game publishers, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Focus Home, Koch Media and ZeniMax. The investigation concerns geo-blocking practices, where companies prevent consumers from purchasing digital content, in this case PC video games, because of the consumer's location or country of residence.
After the purchase of certain PC video games users need to confirm that their copy of the game is not pirated to be able to play it. This is done with an "activation key" on Valve's game distribution platform, Steam. This system is applied for a wide range of games, including sports, simulation and action games.
The investigation focuses on whether the agreements in question require or have required the use of activation keys for the purpose of geo-blocking. In particular, an "activation key" can grant access to a purchased game only to consumers in a particular EU Member State (for example the Czech Republic or Poland). This may amount to a breach of EU competition rules by reducing cross-border competition as a result of restricting so-called "parallel trade" within the Single Market and preventing consumers from buying cheaper games that may be available in other Member States.
The Commission is carrying out this in-depth investigation on its own initiative.



公取委の訳では、地域制限や 地域分割が使用されています。*3 英語も併記しているものの、「地域分割」の訳語は実態と齟齬があるように思えます。


参考 Geo-blocking | Digital Single Market | Digital Single Market



European Commission - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Antitrust: Commission accepts commitments by Paramount on cross-border pay-TV services


欧州の旅行会社(Kuoni, REWE, Thomas Cook, TUI) とホテル (Meliá Hotels)との間の合意についての調査とのことです。調査対象の合意には国籍や居住地によって顧客を差別する条項が存在するおそれがあり、結果、顧客は完全な形でホテルの空室状況を把握できなかったり、最適な価格で部屋を予約できなかった可能性があるとのことです。



Following complaints from customers, the Commission is investigating agreements regarding hotel accommodation concluded between the largest European tour operators on the one hand (Kuoni, REWE, Thomas Cook, TUI) and hotels on the other hand (Meliá Hotels). The Commission welcomes hotels developing and introducing innovative pricing mechanisms to maximise room usage but hotels and tour operators cannot discriminate customers on the basis of their location. The agreements in question may contain clauses that discriminate between customers, based on their nationality or country of residence – as a result customers would not be able to see the full hotel availability or book hotel rooms at the best prices.
This may breach EU competition rules by preventing consumers from booking hotel accommodation at better conditions offered by tour operators in other Member States simply because of the consumer's nationality or place of residence. This would lead to the partitioning of the Single Market.







*2:デジタル単一市場の構築―次代を切り開くEUの成長戦略 | 駐日EU代表部公式ウェブマガジン EU MAG 内容についても、本事件の背景を知る上で参考になります。


